Update Existing Customer Tag

The Update Customer Tag endpoint in Payiano is a feature designed for modifying existing customer tags. This function allows you to make changes to your already established customer tags. For example, if you want to change a tag name from 'Regular Customers' to 'Loyal Customers' or update the description to better fit the group's current characteristics, this feature makes it possible. It's ideal for keeping your customer groupings relevant and accurate over time. Whether it's a minor tweak in the tag name for clarity, or a significant change in the description due to evolving customer behaviors, this endpoint ensures your customer tags remain effective and up-to-date for your business needs.

In the Payiano system, it's important to note a key operational rule regarding record updates. If a customer tag record has been soft deleted, without being permanently removed from the database, any updates to this record are forbidden. This restriction ensures data integrity and consistency, as modifying a soft-deleted record could lead to confusion or inaccuracies in the system management.

To update a soft-deleted customer tag, the record must first be restored. Restoration reverts the record's deleted status, making it once again eligible for updates and modifications. This policy is crucial for maintaining a clear and accurate representation of the customer tag record, while still retaining the flexibility to recover and revise previously soft-deleted customer tag as needed. By enforcing this rule, the Payiano system ensures a streamlined and coherent management process, balancing flexibility with control.

Sandbox: https://api.payiano.dev/v1/customer_tags/{id}
Live: https://api.payiano.com/v1/customer_tags/{id}
  • Authorization header with access token is required to access this endpoint: Bearer ACCESS-TOKEN
  • Your access token should be associated to this permission customer_tags_update
Request body schema:
Path parameters:
Type: ulid
Length: 26

The unique ID assigned to each customer tag which is generated by our system using the ULID format. Each ID is precisely 26 characters long, ensuring a unique and consistent identifier for every customer tag. This ULID is automatically created by our system and is used to uniquely identify and track each customer tag in our database.

Query parameters:
Type: enum|null
Possible values:
"id", "reference_id" ]

This attribute specifies which identifier is being used to interact with a resource in the Payiano API. It helps the system understand how to identify resource when processing API requests. By default, the identify_by attribute is set to id, so you only need to specify it if you're using a different identifier.

Type: array_of_enums|null
Possible values:
"customer_tag.metadata" ]

A list of additional customer tag relations to return, if available. Feel free to send the relations you would like to return with every item. See Including Resources to better understand how this is working.

Request body:
Type: string
Min: 1
Max: 100

This attribute serves as the identifier or label for the group. It's a concise and clear title that represents the essence of the group. For instance, a name could be 'Frequent Buyers' or 'Newsletter Subscribers'. This attribute should be chosen to reflect the common characteristic or purpose that links the customers in this tag, making it easy to identify and reference the group at a glance. Please notice that duplicate values are not allowed and it's allowed to use alpha dash only [A-Za-z0-9-_ ].

Type: boolean
Default: true

This value indicates whether the customer tag is active or not. This flag can be used to control the customer tag's availability in runtime environments or listings without deleting or removing the customer tag from records. A true value means the customer tag is active and functioning, while a false value implies that the customer tag is deactivated or not in use.

Type: string|null
Max: 50

It's a unique identifier assigned to each customer tag. It's primary role is to distinguish one customer tag from another, ensuring that each customer tag can be individually tracked and managed without any confusion. Please notice that duplicate values are not allowed and it's allowed to use alpha dash only [A-Za-z0-9-_]. The reference_id value is used to Identify Resource when you consume any customer tag endpoint with sending identify_by query parameter with value reference_id.

Type: string|null
Max: 10000

This attribute provides more detailed information about the customer tag. It's where you can explain the purpose or characteristics of the group in more depth. For example, for a tag named 'Frequent Buyers', the description might elaborate on criteria like “Customers who make purchases more than twice a month.” This attribute is particularly useful for understanding the context and nuances of the customer group, guiding how you interact with and cater to this segment.

Type: object|null

The customer tag metadata model details. Metadata serves as a tool for keeping extra, organized details about a resource. For example, you can use it to store a user's preferences like prefered color, notes or any other data that aids in personalizing services, improving customer relations, or optimizing internal workflows. This information isn't utilized by Payiano – meaning it's not involved in authorizing or declining transactions and remains invisible to your users. Its value is entirely private for your internal use, and we ensure it remains confidential, not shared with any external parties.

Type: array_of_objects
Max: 50

This array consists of objects, each containing a key and a value. These pairs of key-value are structured in a way that's more suitable for programmatic access. You can add up to 50 objects.

Type: string
Min: 1
Max: 50

It's a unique identifier to avoid confusion or data overlap. The keys serve as identifiers for the corresponding values, making it easier to retrieve specific pieces of information as needed.

Type: string
Min: 1
Max: 255

The value is the actual data associated with that key. It could be a simple string, a number, a URL, or any other data format that conveys the necessary information.

Type: array_of_strings
Max: 50

The list attribute is particularly useful for scenarios where the data needs to be presented in a straightforward, unstructured format. It's ideal for quick overviews, simple data logging, or when the information does not require the more complex organization that nested JSON objects provide. Please notice that duplicate values are not allowed, you can add up to 50 item and the max list item length is 255 characters.

Response schema:
Response body:
Type: object

The customer tag model details.

Type: ulid
Length: 26

The unique ID assigned to each customer tag which is generated by our system using the ULID format. Each ID is precisely 26 characters long, ensuring a unique and consistent identifier for every customer tag. This ULID is automatically created by our system and is used to uniquely identify and track each customer tag in our database.

Type: string
Min: 1
Max: 100

This attribute serves as the identifier or label for the group. It's a concise and clear title that represents the essence of the group. For instance, a name could be 'Frequent Buyers' or 'Newsletter Subscribers'. This attribute should be chosen to reflect the common characteristic or purpose that links the customers in this tag, making it easy to identify and reference the group at a glance. Please notice that duplicate values are not allowed and it's allowed to use alpha dash only [A-Za-z0-9-_ ].

Type: boolean
Default: true

This value indicates whether the customer tag is active or not. This flag can be used to control the customer tag's availability in runtime environments or listings without deleting or removing the customer tag from records. A true value means the customer tag is active and functioning, while a false value implies that the customer tag is deactivated or not in use.

Type: string|null
Max: 50

It's a unique identifier assigned to each customer tag. It's primary role is to distinguish one customer tag from another, ensuring that each customer tag can be individually tracked and managed without any confusion. Please notice that duplicate values are not allowed and it's allowed to use alpha dash only [A-Za-z0-9-_]. The reference_id value is used to Identify Resource when you consume any customer tag endpoint with sending identify_by query parameter with value reference_id.

Type: string|null
Max: 10000

This attribute provides more detailed information about the customer tag. It's where you can explain the purpose or characteristics of the group in more depth. For example, for a tag named 'Frequent Buyers', the description might elaborate on criteria like “Customers who make purchases more than twice a month.” This attribute is particularly useful for understanding the context and nuances of the customer group, guiding how you interact with and cater to this segment.

Type: object|null

The customer tag metadata model details. Metadata serves as a tool for keeping extra, organized details about a resource. For example, you can use it to store a user's preferences like prefered color, notes or any other data that aids in personalizing services, improving customer relations, or optimizing internal workflows. This information isn't utilized by Payiano – meaning it's not involved in authorizing or declining transactions and remains invisible to your users. Its value is entirely private for your internal use, and we ensure it remains confidential, not shared with any external parties.

Type: array_of_objects
Max: 50

This array consists of objects, each containing a key and a value. These pairs of key-value are structured in a way that's more suitable for programmatic access. You can add up to 50 objects.

Type: string
Min: 1
Max: 50

It's a unique identifier to avoid confusion or data overlap. The keys serve as identifiers for the corresponding values, making it easier to retrieve specific pieces of information as needed.

Type: string
Min: 1
Max: 255

The value is the actual data associated with that key. It could be a simple string, a number, a URL, or any other data format that conveys the necessary information.

Type: array_of_strings
Max: 50

The list attribute is particularly useful for scenarios where the data needs to be presented in a straightforward, unstructured format. It's ideal for quick overviews, simple data logging, or when the information does not require the more complex organization that nested JSON objects provide. Please notice that duplicate values are not allowed, you can add up to 50 item and the max list item length is 255 characters.

Type: boolean
Default: false

This value indicates whether the customer tag is deleted or not. This flag can be used to control the customer tag's availability in runtime without actual deleting or removing the customer tag from records. A true value means the customer tag is deleted, while a false value implies that the customer tag is not deleted and functioning.

Type: datetime

The created datetime of the customer tag. This attribute can be formatted as an ISO 8601 string or a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds, depending on the preferred datetime format specified in the request header (e.g., 2024-08-04T14:22:01Z or 1722572118554). By default, the format is UNIX timestamp in milliseconds.

Type: datetime

The updated datetime of the customer tag. This attribute can be formatted as an ISO 8601 string or a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds, depending on the preferred datetime format specified in the request header (e.g., 2024-08-04T14:22:01Z or 1722572118554). By default, the format is UNIX timestamp in milliseconds.

Type: datetime|null

The deleted datetime of the customer tag. This attribute can be formatted as an ISO 8601 string or a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds, depending on the preferred datetime format specified in the request header (e.g., 2024-08-04T14:22:01Z or 1722572118554). By default, the format is UNIX timestamp in milliseconds.

Response sample:
"customer_tag": {
3 "id": "01hqjp31wcww3jhnagehc16r04", 4 "name": "Frequent Buyers", 5 "is_active": true, 6 "reference_id": "7193edd2-7574-3b76-9103-e0e37580129b", 7 "description": "Customers who make purchases more than twice a month.", 8
"metadata": {
"info": [
11 "key": "Company name", 12 "value": "Pyngy" 13 } 14 ], 15
"list": [
16 "Cairo, Nasr City, 7th District, Building 12 floor 5" 17 ] 18 }, 19 "is_deleted": false, 20 "created_at": "1722572118554", 21 "updated_at": "1722572118554", 22 "deleted_at": null 23 } 24}