Query parameters:
page Type: integer |null Default: 1 The page number to be retrieved, for the list of items. So, a combination of page=1 and per_page=25 returns the first 25 items. A combination of page=2 and per_page=25 returns the next 25 items. |
per_page Type: integer |null Default: 25 Possible values: [1 ... 200] The maximum number of items to return in the response. |
order_by Type: string |null This refers to the column or attribute by which you would like to sort or order the results. When retrieving a list of items, you can specify a particular column as a reference point for organizing the items in a specific order. |
order Type: enum |null Possible values: [
This refers to the way by which you would like to sort or order the results. When retrieving a list of items, you can specify a particular way for organizing the items in a specific order, such as ascending or descending. |
q Type: string |null An easy and effective free search text to search items. Please provide a minimum of 3 characters for each search item. This ensures that your search query is specific enough to yield relevant results. |