Overview of Available Balances

The balances or available funds refer to the amount of money that is ready for transfer, withdrawn or payout through Payiano's automated processes or explicitly through the Transfers API, Utilities API or Payouts API. These funds are immediately accessible for various financial transactions.

Real-Time Fund Availability

To provide a breakdown of the available balance, Payiano organizes it by currency. This means that you can see how much money is available for each specific currency. This information is crucial for businesses and organizations to manage their finances effectively, as it allows them to track and access funds that are ready for use or disbursement, facilitating seamless financial operations.

  • Instant Access: Funds reflected in the balances are immediately accessible for transfers, withdrawals, or payouts.
  • Real-Time Updates: The balance information is updated in real time, ensuring accuracy and immediacy.
  • Currency Categorization: Balances are organized by currency, facilitating easy management of multi-currency funds.
Sandbox: https://api.payiano.dev/v1/balances
Live: https://api.payiano.com/v1/balances
  • Authorization header with access token is required to access this endpoint: Bearer ACCESS-TOKEN
  • Your access token should be associated to this permission balances_view
Request body schema:
Query parameters:
Type: integer|null
Default: 1

The page number to be retrieved, for the list of balances. So, a combination of page=1 and per_page=25 returns the first 25 balances. A combination of page=2 and per_page=25 returns the next 25 balances.

Type: integer|null
Default: 25
Possible values: [1 ... 200]

The maximum number of balances to return in the response.

Response schema:
Response body:
Type: integer

The total number of pages that are available for the balances search criteria.

Type: integer

The current pagination page.

Type: integer

The amount of balances items return per page.

Type: integer

The total number of balances that match the search criteria.

Type: array_of_objects

The list of balances that match the search criteria.

Type: ulid
Length: 26

The unique ID assigned to each balance which is generated by our system using the ULID format. Each ID is precisely 26 characters long, ensuring a unique and consistent identifier for every balance. This ULID is automatically created by our system and is used to uniquely identify and track each balance in our database.

Type: enum
Possible values:
"EGP" ]

The three-character ISO-4217 Currency Code that identifies the currency for the balance. Your business should be eligible to use the selected currency code.

Type: decimal

The available amount value to be withdrawn. The length includes the value, the decimal digit and the decimal value. The API accepts 2 digits like 50.53.

Type: decimal

The pending amount value to be collected. The length includes the value, the decimal digit and the decimal value. The API accepts 2 digits like 50.53.

Response sample:
2 "per_page": 25, 3 "total_pages": 1, 4 "total_items": 1, 5 "current_page": 1, 6
"items": [
8 "id": "01hqh45s7826hfwdze8dp1z21f", 9 "currency_code": "EGP", 10 "available_amount": 1000, 11 "pending_amount": 550 12 } 13 ] 14}